Monday, April 21, 2008

Just Woke Up

4/20 went off with a roaring success, both for me and for marijuana decriminalization/legalization activists throughout the states.

Just to clarify: you don't have to be a drug user to support drug decriminalization/legalization efforts.

Colorado University had over 10,000 smokers in attendance at a 4/20 celebration. Yet in this 10,000 strong crowd of stoners and first-timers alike were subject to absolutely no criminal penalties. It is also important to point out that police actually assisted with two cases of dehydration at the event (hopefully a bad case of cotton mouth) and there were no incidents of violent behavior (at least anything that attracted the attentions of the police). Read the whole article here.

Pot smokers know how to protest. There were even students selling food at the event, hoping to make a buck or two off those poor bastards suffering from the munchies. Capitalism! Doesn't the government realize the money they're missing out on by not decriminalizing marijuana? You'd think they would give us something else they could tax excessively.

In previous years, the police in the area did everything they could to catch smokers at the event, including video surveillance and spraying the smokers with water. This year, I believe, the massive numbers overwhelmed them. Only 5,000 were in attendance last year.

In any case, this is a victory for decriminalization/legalization efforts. Big event, no problems. Civil disobedience at its best.

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