Sunday, May 11, 2008

Who Owns My Rights?

Whew! It's been a while since any of us has written on our blog! I wonder if that has effected our readership?

A recent story peaked my interest and let me decide to get back here to the ol' trusty blog. The story comes from my birthplace in Atlanta, Georgia. The legislature, lead by Senator Doug Stoner (*giggles*), has recently passed a law that bans retailers from selling lollipops that taste like marijuana to minors. First of all, how addicted do you need to be to pot to have to have candy to taste like it. What's next, beer suckers? Actually, that sounds pretty good, nevermind.

The real absurdity comes from the ban in the first place. Apparently, people think that the pot suckers will lead people to do the real thing. My theory is that they have the exact oppisite effect. If I were a parent, I'd give a sucker to them at a young age and explain to them that this is what drugs taste like. After being revolted by the butt-tasting candy they'd never do drugs their entire life. Crisis averted.

The best part of the article has to be the gem of a quote by State Representative Judy Manning. After explaining that she had been recieving death threats about the bill, she explained the situation by saying, "Some people think their rights are their rights." Ah yes, silly me to think that I should have rights in a supposedly "free" society.

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