Monday, February 4, 2008

King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters

Want to see me sob uncontrollably? Just watch "King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters" with me.

What a beautiful documentary. Steve Wiebe (the guy on the right) is now my Second Favorite American. I didn't cry because I'm a wuss either. I cried because this film is so damned heart-wrenching. This documentary would make Rambo cry. It's the kind of film you feel obligated to tell your friends about after. Because you'll all be better people just from watching it.

As an aside, after you're done watching the film, you should try to actually play the classic Donkey Kong. It's a bitch.


Speaking of documentaries that make me cry, remember this guy? This is a picture from the 2005 documentary "Grizzly Man." Spoiler alert: He, along with his girlfriend, get mauled and eaten by giant bears. But you feel for the guy. He made a bad decision, but for all the right reasons.

I'm not going to get preachy here, but keep your damn self away from animals that can eat people.

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