Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Karl Rove from Frodo's Point of View

When I began thinking further about Karl Rove, I started to wonder if he was truly an evil person. I decided not. Here’s why, explained in a quote from the novel Fellowship of the Ring:

Frodo (to Aragorn): “You have frightened me several times tonight, but never in the way that servants of the Enemy would, or so I imagine. I think one of his spies would — well, seem fairer and feel fouler, if you understand.”

Frodo’s point is that if a person were truly his enemy, they might conceal the fact a little bit better. If a person appears evil, they may actually not be.

Therefore, Karl Rove cannot be truly evil, simply because many people think he is evil.

But wait!

Karl Rove is too careful and cautious to be caught up in this kind of thing. Doubtless he has studied the works of Tolkien, in preparation for battle against me! This can only mean that he is hiding in the open…That he is truly evil!

I knew it all along!

I warn you, my fellow citizens:

  1. Stop drinking the water!
    1. You don’t know where it’s been!
  2. Don’t get the flu shot!
    1. Have you ever died from the flu? Chances are “the flu” is a scare tactic!
  3. Buy an RFID blocker!
    1. I told you about the freaking tracking devices! Don’t make it easy for them!
  4. Pray to your gods!
    1. Self-explanatory!


The Dream said...

The flu is a scare tactic? Tell that to those living in 1918.

Unknown said...

"Religion is the opiate of the masses," you should do no such praying. Thank you Mr. Karl Marx finger puppet.

Anonymous said...

I am completely and utterly appalled by the comparison between Karl Rove, clearly a minion of the devil, and my beloved Aragorn, who is the shining light of hope in a world of darkness!!! Karl Rove doesn't even know what hope is! I may have to do some therapeutic Karl-Rove-dart-throwing or worshipful-Return of the King-watching to make up for this!