Friday, February 1, 2008

Links of the (fill in time amount)

Hello and welcome to the first of what could be a very short-lived blog entry. I just want some way of expressing what I need to get out. Recently I've found a few links based off some materials that I read that may only be interesting to me.

According to the National Journal, Barack Obama was the most liberal Senator in 2007. While that may not be too shocking, it is interesting to note that Obama and Hillary only differed on 10 different measures. For those looking towards Obama to lead the country towards widespread change, his voting record does not indicate it.

An interesting article on Facebook by the Guardian, a British paper. While I do not agree with all of the arguements that the author makes, there are some disturbing elements. The privacy concerns of Facebook are ones that cannot be overlooked.

Who says that everyone is at least somewhat nervous about global warming? These guys sure aren't!

For males confused about their sexuality, at least the dilemma of the man-hug has finally been solved.

What do you get when you combine a rotting whale carcass with a half-ton of dynamite? Armageddon.

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